Silver to become a rare earth metal , it is Extremely undervalued. Silver to become extinct by year 2020 according to geologists only 300 millions ounces left! Silver is consumable industry metal it is used up : 95% gold ever found is still around 75% of silver is a by-product of mining other metal only 25% is primary product of mining,In 1480 the price of one ounce of Silver was equal to one ounce of Gold, Low supply, high demand Price to skyrocket get your silver and stay long!
Silver, above ground, is more rare than gold! There is seven times as much gold above ground as compared to silver!
Wednesday, July 22, 2020
👉Silver above $23 -- The Great Silver Rush of 2020 has Begun!
👉Silver above $23 -- The Great Silver Rush of 2020 has Begun!
Silver Futures Spike Above $23, that's a ten percent gain. But it has a long way to go. Still seems cheap with all the Monopoly money being printed. Silver is the new TESLA chart. The trip from 20 to 30 should be a fast one. It was certainly fast on the way down. There is a big reversal of the gold/silver ration afoot; this is a very positive indicator. After decades of being suppressed, the precious metals are horribly mispriced. Perhaps instead of a traditional price rally (which might or might not be sustainable), what we are witnessing right now is the market re-pricing the physical metals at a more realistic level. Silver barely moved up 10% yet after waiting nine years. The huge jump in silver in the last few days has been ignored by the Mainstream Media. The talking heads on the business channels are still mentioning gold's rise lately but haven't said anything about silver just doing a 20% jump this week. This silver news is still under the wire to them, or they've been told to not talk about it. This gibes with my theory that pro-real-money stories must be kept from the public/masses. If these stories weren't blocked, more man on the street types might begin considering silver as a safe haven asset they need to have. It's a given the big money is not going to send any public signal they are going big into gold or silver. Among other things, this would get them expelled from the Fiat Status-Quo Club overnight and would jeopardize all their investments in fiat assets (mainly the stock market). So if the silver suppression effort is going to be defeated or over-run, it will have to come from grassroots small investors. But this is not likely to happen if pro-silver and gold stories continue to be taboo in the Mainstream Media. Another way to keep the man on the street from considering silver as a smart investment is to knock its price down at regular intervals, usually for no understandable reason. Think we all knew the price of gold and silver would have to start moving up at some point. You just cannot keep hemorrhaging physical metal. Every savvy investor knows that silver and gold were getting ready to soar (given the collapsing economy and the massive amount of fiat creation that was inevitably coming. Savvy investors would have still been BUYING all the silver they could and holding on to every silver position they had, knowing what was to come. Given the thousands of applications for silver, especially electronic, medical, military, water purification, etc. We cannot live without it. The United States Geological Survey, USGS, which keeps tabs on all elements and their availability, wrote a decade ago that the planet would run out of silver within 20 years. We are halfway there. Just look at the recovery of ounces/ton by the silver miners over the past 20 years, from ounces to grams. USGS rating of continental U.S. reserves put silver/ gold ratio at 14. All of human history is around 16. Right now, we are what, 80? So silver has a lot of upside potential given the equally (and arguably more so) demand for gold. The question isn't whether it will get to $50 again, it's what multiple of $50 we'll see over the next couple of years. A mere doubling seems more than a bit conservative, given the extreme amount of new debt that is now in the system, not to mention the stored energy of a nine-year bear market. We should see at least $150 sometime before 2022. Gold is a currency. It is still, by all evidence, a premier currency, that no fiat currency, including the dollar, can match. Gold still represents the ultimate form of payment in the world. Fiat money in extremis is accepted by nobody. Gold is always accepted. And that was Alan Greenspan saying it, not me. King dollar is dead! Long live King Gold and Queen Silver! The canary is out of the cage. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know, it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. So, either the price suppression cartel has given up, or there are too many holes in the dam. I hate the silver being stated in dollars. It should be the price of a dollar stated in silver. And why the delight in calculating a dollar profit if the dollar is going to hell in a handbasket. I think it's safe to say this: If silver can't break free and soar now, it never will. Silver is actually doing now what it was supposed to be doing years ago. The market is still as corrupt as ever. They can knock it down whenever they want, by as much as they want. Now if they can't do this anymore, or have quit suppressing the price, something big might have changed. But I don't think they've given up on the suppression efforts yet. The suppression efforts might be occurring even now. That is, the big spike we've seen recently could have been even bigger absent price suppression efforts. Yes, they are going to let silver and gold rise, but they are going to try to limit/contain these increases. So the man on the street doesn't suddenly start considering silver as wise insurance. For example, wait for the next big story that a vaccine is imminent. This will create a major spike in the stock market, and will probably be used as the excuse to beat down silver and gold, massively. This kind of volatility in silver is common. Curb your enthusiasm. It's an insurance policy, not a lottery ticket. Moves like this are cause for caution. As much as we all want to dance of The FED's grave, that event is going to be very bitter medicine. To me, the paper market on silver is nothing but infiltration and corruption of silver. A dollar was equal to one ounce of silver, not one ounce of silver equaled a dollar. Once you start trying to get more paper with your silver, you become focused on Fed-bucks......., and that is the scheme. Because Fed-bucks are your enslavement, they are debt, and their "value" is controlled by those that would control you through its manipulation. Let silver go up in dollars, and all of a sudden, everyone wants silver so they can trade it for more Fed-bucks. If we don't break the debt-dollar-Fed-buck system and find a way to debt-free, independent money, our slavery will only get deeper from here. Not going to break their chains without a fight. The dollar is one ounce of silver by definition. What we have are not dollars. What we have now has been devalued by about 99%. Therefore silver is worth closer to 100 dollars -- and that's just today. Either you can buy stock symbols in the paper "market" from the banksters, or you can exchange the debt-based money for real money, gold, and silver, while the central banks are buying gold. The gold and silver ETFs are the paper market, which helps the banksters manipulate the prices. Keep printing your Monopoly money, Mr. Powell. We the people all know you are enriching the wealthy at the expense of the middle class and poor. The dollar's days are numbered. The King Dollar brigade is out fighting busily on all fronts today, silver, gold, cryptos, oil futures. It's becoming a tough job trying to keep the US Dollar alive. We're now mere weeks away from US food riots/looting. We all know the outcome, and now it's just a matter of whose timeline will win, breakdown before or after the US Presidential election? The silver war is fun to watch, with all these big traders trying to avoid getting killed. The CFTC will broker a deal for staggered delivery, and there won't be a peep about it in the media. Watch how quiet this will get now. The CFTC really is a massively corrupt agency staffed by insider traders/traitors. It's sad. I view them and even the SEC as little more than gatekeepers allowing this gigantic price suppression fraud to continue. Clearly, they all have support from the US government, who, no doubt, wants there to be no exit from the Dollar. It's not a supply-demand situation that runs the price of silver. It's a monetary metal, and all monetary metals skyrocket every so often when fiat currencies collapse. Worlds largest fiat currency has been so abused. It's going to collapse like a tent made out of toilet paper in a hurricane. All the FIATS will collapse together. It will be epic. The value of silver must always be stated in ounces and never in dollars. To do otherwise is like valuing your garden in terms of fallen leaves. The US debt clock says silver should be over $1000, and gold many times that. In truth, this is what is coming on the energy cliff, and currency reset horizon. Countries will become solvent again by reversing the price suppression mechanism to the upside. Silver could likely be $500 by early 2022. And gold likely above ten thousand. Eric Sprott just announced he's buying 1.5 Billion of silver. Sprott is putting a Hunt Brother to these Comex scums butt with a 1.5 billion ounce plan to purchase over the next 25 months. It's a perfect setup as the Fed cannot call him like they did Hunt in as he owns a physically-backed silver fund for investors. He will never tell you this, but his fund by law has to store the silver bullion in the Bank of Canada for the PSLV holders. CANADA wants its silver back. Ha! just joking, as Trudeau has nothing to do with it, but his Central Bank will be stacking hard in an inadvertent way. The US Mint just had an emergency conference with government officials about their ongoing ability to sourcing silver. Of course, that meeting was top secret and not a peep about what was discussed. The government does not have a silver stockpile like back then anymore. They will most likely use the excuse that they can't find any and shut down most likely, which is against the law, by the way. But Ron Paul isn't around anymore to keep their butt in line. In other news, Pan American, the world's largest silver producer, is shutting down 2 of its biggest mines in Peru by order of the Peruvian government due to COVID 19. So do you like Eagles? Might wanna grab those now if so. Buckle up kiddies and grab every silver earring you can because this one is going to be a moonshot for the ages methinks ; with the Government printing currency like water. Hurry up and use that COVID infected benjamins to buy. Silver is not even where it was 40 years ago, but the bankers' trolls are talking about parabolic rises to scare you out of your silver position. And for your interest, 5-10 or even 20-25 percent rises are nothing when we're talking about the price of a rare and valuable item like silver ;whose value has been suppressed by the bankers for half a century. Your call. Physical is the smart move here, avoid the fake and manipulated paper game. Stack silver for the grandkids. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet
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GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!
I think your fully right about silver