Silver, above ground, is more rare than gold! There is seven times as much gold above ground as compared to silver!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The gold and silver futures markets

Gold and SILVER Market Update with Strategist Jim Comiskey Lind-Waldock Strategist Jim Comiskey discusses the gold and silver futures markets.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Physical Silver is $50 in the UK

I see it's good the UK have extortionate silver retail prices. Public are demanding (approximately) bullion dealers prices which incur approx 10-20% premium plus 20% VAT when they sell even if they are not VAT registered (rightfully so). I rather pay say 50% premium over spot now at £18 oz, and charge 50% premium if silver hits say £150 oz spot. Nice one

As Harvey Organ's been saying, it's looking more and more like things are going to get very interesting at the COMEX in March. I hope the banksters are hoarding lube, cuz they're about to take the BIG ONE. (Actually, I hope they take it dry; just like they've been giving it to us.)

It feels like we're almost at the top of the 1st big drop of a roller coaster. Hang on, cuz this ride's about to take off.$50 silver, wow! Here in Vancouver we have gone back into shortage mode now, after an adequate supply was used up over the holidays. Now there's none in the city and none expected for several weeks. The same is true for parts of Ontario, like the Toronto area, from what I've heard from my contacts. It looks like silver bullion available for sale in Canada is pretty much dried up. The prices HAVE to go up, there's just no way around that now.

SILVER EAGLE SHORTAGE? David Morgan & Mike Maloney In Las Vegas

Silver Pyramids. Mike Maloney & David Morgan In Las Vegas
The Luxor behind you, and your information, reminds me of other Ponzi schemes such as social security and the entire stock market. You keep adding in but you won't collect in the end. I feel bad for people who know they need to invest in silver but get into nurismatic coins, just won't work.

The leverage Mike and Dave are talking about is where you would buy $100K of silver putting up only $20K in equity with the $80K balance as a loan (leveraged 5 to 1 in this case). You could make five times the gains on silver but if silver drops by 20% you equity is wiped out and you still owe $80K.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Silver Breaks $30 No Economic Recovery Prepare for Economic Collapse Buy Silver!

Silver price broke $30 as I write this. The economic news is not improving, Americans need to prepare for economic collapse. Start storing commodities, Silver Bullion, Copper Bullion, food, tools etc. Study other economic collapses to see what became important and useful afterward. This will keep you from storing up things that are not needed. Dollar collapse will create shortages as imorters will no longer accept dollars. What would you do if the economy collapsed today?

JP Morgan announces that they will accept gold for collateral. They giving the indication that corporations will accept gold as money. Housing market nation wide is still in a crash and diving deeper.

Monday, February 7, 2011

David Morgan talks about the fundamentals of Silver on HoweStreet

David Morgan talks about the fundamentals of Silver on HoweStreet

I really believe in the silver story, but when I see gimmicks like this I begin to wonder, cause its such a fake scenario. A paid commerical trying to look like an interview. They are both pretending.3 billion ounces of gold in bullions/coins? I doubt that.

Wikipedia says there are 160000 tonnes of gold above ground. And only 40-50 thousand tonnes of gold are in investments(1.2-1.5 billon ounces). Everything else is in jewerly/electronics.

David Morgan - Korelin Interview - Aug 2010

Seduced by silver at the tender age of 11, David Morgan started investing in the stock market while still a teenager. A precious metals aficionado armed with degrees in finance and economics as well as engineering, he created the website and originated The Morgan Report, a monthly that covers economic news, overall financial health of the global economy, currency problems ahead and reasons for investing in precious metals.

Gold and Silver Rally

Economy expert Bob Tebbutt drops by for another look at the markets. Note: This video is analysis and opinion only. All stock market based investment is exposed to a degree of risk. This video does not constitute an offer, solicitation or recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other transaction.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Silver Vigilantes

The Silver vigilantes are coming for Jamie Dimon. Crash JP Morgan Buy Silver.
Max Keiser, Gerald Celente, Alex Jones, Peter Schiff, Ron Paul, Jim Rogers , JpMorgan is now covering all its short Silver posisions by hedging it with copper.

2011 Outlook for Gold and Silver

2011 Investment Outlook Luncheon Presentation by Nick Barisheff
Gold Outlook 2011: Irreversible Upward Pressures and the China Effect

In some parts of the world gold is viewed as the protector of wealth. In North America, gold is viewed as a speculative investment. Our economists regard a rising gold price as an admission of defeat, and their disparaging attitude toward higher gold prices took on a more desperate tone in 2010. Nevertheless, gold had another remarkable year, up 25% in 2010, its tenth straight annual gain. Meanwhile, over the same 10-year period, five major currencies -- the US and Canadian dollars, the euro, the British pound and the yen -- have lost between 70% and 80% of their value. In reality, gold is not rising; currencies are falling in value, and gold can rise as far as currencies can fall. Nick discusses the three dominant medium-term trends that pushed up gold prices in 2010 (central bank buying; movement away from the US dollar; China) as well as three longer-term, irreversible trends that will put upward pressure on the gold price for years to come (the aging population; outsourcing; peak oil). In addition to these trends, more and more investors will be competing to buy a shrinking gold supply. As safe-haven demand accelerates, there will be a transition from the $200-trillion financial asset market to the $3-trillion aboveground gold bullion market. About half of that $3 trillion is held by central banks as reserves; the remainder is privately held, and not for sale at any price. If the world's pension and hedge funds moved only 5% of their assets into gold, it would trade at over $5,000 per ounce. Nick's conclusion: Without any new financial crises, both mid- and long-term trends indicate that gold -- and silver -- will continue rising through 2011 and well beyond.

GATA, Chris Powell, Bill Murphy, January 24, 2011

GATA, Chris Powell, Bill Murphy, January 24, 2011, Vancouver Resource Investment Conference 2011

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cheviot Sound Money Conference: Silver Monetary and Industrial Demand

Cheviot Sound Money Conference: Silver Monetary and Industrial Demand

Cheviot's Sound Money Conference
was held on Thursday the 27th January 2011
at London's historic Guildhall.

David Morgan is a widely recognised analyst in the precious metals industry and consults for hedge funds, high net worth investors, mining companies, depositories and bullion dealers. He is the publisher of The Morgan Report on precious metals, author of �Get the Skinny On Silver Investing� (Morgan James Publishing, 2009), and featured speaker at investment conferences in North America, Europe and Asia.

The Silver Pharaoh

Made entirely out of silver that's interesting. The royal tomb of Pharaoh Psusennes I is one of the most spectacular of all the ancient Egyptian treasures -- even more remarkable than that of Tutankhamun. So why hasn't the world heard about it? What mysteries does it contain? And what does it reveal about ancient Egypt?

The tomb was discovered filled with lavish jewels and treasure almost by accident in 1939 by the French archaeologist Pierre Montet while he was in northern Egypt. The royal burial chamber came as a complete surprise -- no Egyptologist had anticipated a tomb of such grandeur in this area. Unfortunately, the tomb was found on the eve of World War II in Europe and attracted little attention.

One of the most startling discoveries inside the tomb was the sarcophagus in which the body was held: It was made of silver with exquisite detail and craftsmanship. No other silver sarcophagus has ever been found and it is now recognized by many Egyptologists as one of the most exquisite artifacts of ancient Egypt ever to be found.

The elaborate tribute within the tomb suggested it was the burial site of someone very important. Using the hieroglyphs inside the tomb, they pieced together the identity of the pharaoh: his powerful role in ancient Egypt, and why he received such grand treatment.

The investigation reveals political intrigue, a lost city and a leader who united a country in turmoil and became the Silver Pharaoh.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ted Butler : JPMorgan and the other COMEX crooks are successful in tricking the technical funds into forced selling

Ted Butler : No one knows for sure. It comes down to how much additional long liquidation the big shorts can engineer. We are still above all the critical moving averages, so there does exist the possibility we could go lower to get the technical funds completely flushed out. For sure, if we do go lower, it will be because JPMorgan and the other COMEX crooks are successful in tricking the technical funds into forced selling and not for any other reason. But there has been significant liquidation already, so it is just as possible it could be done or nearly so. Certainly there is nothing in the real world of silver that would account for further selling.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Breakout to $29.00 - The Silver Log (02.03.2011)

 Silver price Breakout to $29.00 - The Silver Log (02.03.2011)

Silver Stick for JP Vampire The Keiser Report

Markets! Finance! Scandal! Frontline markets and finance with Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert. Silver Stick for JP Vampire... This time, Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, talk about French President Nicolas Sarkozy going postal on JP Morgan CEO, Jamie Dimon and about the US Drug Enforcement Agency goes Village People with their big lipped rubber ducky for sale. In the second half of the show, Max talks to Sandeep Jaitly of about a gold standard, backwardization and the Austrian school of economics.The Bankers and the Federal Reserve as Federal as Federal Express are the problems. Until they are "eliminated" the world will not be free.

WE CAN FIX this. The plan is a bold achievable strategy for behind-the-scenes peaceful reconstruction of the de jure institutions of government without controversy, violence or civil war. After a national vote and approval by the body of Republic Assemblies, Like President Andrew Jackson said on his death bed when asked about his biggest accomplishment; he said "I killed the banks" (in reference to the Central Bank of the US, the Fed of the day). I hope Ron Paul gets to say this. The Fed should be overrun by angry protesters, actually all of Washington D.C. (District of Criminals).

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Silver Pyramids. Mike Maloney & David Morgan In Las Vegas

silver expert David Morgan of and Michael Maloney in Las Vegas, where the famous Luxor Casino pyramid provides the perfect backdrop for a discussion of the latest gold and silver investment pyramid schemes.
Gold and silver are "honest money," David says, but "like any financial instrument there's good and bad in it." Among the bad: pyramid schemes luring unwary investors with promises of rich profits on silver coins and numismatics.

The Silver Log (02.02.2011)

Apmex appears to be low on silver bars .I've been waiting for these dealers to show shortages.

The coins at the RCM are commemorative coins and usually have a big numismatic price attached to them. There are only a number of coins going to be minted & then they done. I'm scratching my head as to whether get some, only 3 per personal order. I have a few RCM commemorative coins, they're pricey but some coin collectors are willing to pay for rare mints.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Silver Price Up. Egypt Collapsing. Food Inflation Going Higher. Buy Silver!

Silver price is up right now, the situation in Egypt is not improving. If the Suez Canal gets taken and closed, oil prices will skyrocket which will raise the price of food. The flight will then be to the safety of precious metals. All base metals are up today as well. Buy silver. All that while standing in the blizzard.

Higher oil prices will hurt ant supposed recovery in the West and could lead to a full blown economic collapse or depression. Silver bullion at these prices will look cheap. We need to a new call to Protect, Provide, Prepare and Propagate. We need to take this to our own communities, not just on youtube.

People need to prepare with Silver bullion, food, sources of energy and home defense. Pray for better times but prepare for hard times. A dollar collapse would catch many off guard right now. Food riots in the middle east could become more wide spread.

Silver Sell Off What is next? Bob Chapman 50 year Vet explains

The past week of January 17th-21st saw a sell off of the metals resulting in lower Gold and Silver prices. So what is next? Bob Chapman of the International Forcaster a 50 year veteran of investing explains what he expects for the week of January 24th-28th. This segment came from the 01/23/2010 Pat Gorman Radio Broadcast with Chris Waltzek of Gold Seek and Bob Chapman on The Hard Money Report.

paper prices mean absoluetly nothing! you want to know the real price of silver and gold? go on eBay silver is now $26.69 right? Why is it that I cant get any eagles for less than $35 shipped? huh? funny! listen back whe it was at $18-20 you could not get an eagle shipped to your door for anything less than $30....thats reality.....people need to understand these price you see on graphs are for paper want the real price of metal go to th market! Ebay! APMEX is $29.82-$31.32 depending on number shipping costs. Silver curently 26.77. Basically it costs $3-$4.55 over spot plus ship cost. Ebay is great for those that want to snag a roll or two. Man I long for the days when you could buy a roll of 90% silver for melt and that included the shipping!

Monday, January 31, 2011

a SILVER report

a SILVER report. a couple ounces whenever you can, adds up! Plus you're at least a couple ounces ahead of your neighbors and friends who likely have zilch.

Buy Silver and Prepare For Hard Times, Food Shortage. Turmoil in Egypt

Silver is holding its own today, no big moves despite the turmoil in Egypt. Silver bullion could see a spike in price if the money that left the ETFs start piling back in. Thoughts on food shortage or food transportation problems. Preparing by canning food and having an alternative power source. In short, total preparedness. Buy silver, Buy food and have an alternative energy source. Economic collapse will catch a lot of people short of items they need and won't be able to get afterwords. Food inflation is causing unrest, food riots worldwide. Dollar collapse in future barring a miracle.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Crash JP Morgan Chase Buy Silver! Max Keiser & Stacy Herbert

Having a bit of fun while divesting out of paper currency! See "real" money vs. paper money. Taking action to hedge my bets and by helping participate in the campaign: "Crash JP Morgan Chase, Buy Silver" through taking physical delivery. Join in the fun anyway you can, and feel the power!

Sweet !I know everytime i get a delivery my heart gets all aflutter and i feel like Ralphie opening his red rider air rifle. lol. I dont know where you live, but i have another means to pocket some silver, and get this... ITS FREE. Go to all the banks in your area and ask for 1/2 dollars. Prior to 1970, they were silver. You can buy them for FACE VALUE, Pull out the silver, then just cash out the rest. I have been doing it for years. Real life treasure hunting. Keep stacking America!!

Parallel Trend Line Analysis & Direction from 50 Day Low - The Silver Log (01.30.2011)

gold is likely to soar soon and silver will tag along...

gold is likely to soar soon and silver will tag along...
TurmOIL in EGYPT = Higher $pOILPrices = INFLATION!!!

If/when $pOIL $urges on Monday... Silver begins Lift-Off!

Best trade Bernie Buck$ for Real Constitutional money...

Paper is cheap & printed. Real Money is Mined & Minted!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Eric Sprott, SILVER $50 - GOLD $2,150 THIS SPRING!!!

A fascinating interview by King World News with Eric Sprott, Owner of PSLV, the ETF based on PHYSICAL SILVER -made the astonishing announcement Friday that Silver would go to $50.00 an ounce and Gold would go to $2,150 by this SPRING!!!

Ted Butler there are 550 million ounces less that can be transferred in the future

Ted Butler : Since 2006, more than 550 million ounces have been transferred from unreported silver into reported world inventories, including the SLV and all other similar programs. Currently there are more than 716 million ounces in total world visible silver bullion inventories. That’s a very big chunk of my long-time estimate of one billion ounces in total world inventories. The way to look at it is that there are 550 million ounces less that can be transferred in the future. The long-term rise in price would seem to confirm my thinking.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Silver Price up, Silver Demand up, Violence Around the World, Food Prices up, Buy Silver.

Silver prices are up along with all commodities. Food inflation in the Middle East is resulting in protests in the region which may lead to governments collapsing. Egypt is in the midst of Revolution. Food prices around the world could lead to more Economic collapse. People in China and other eastern nations are buying silver to protect themselves against hyper inflation and currency debasement. We could have a Dollar collapse.

Demand for silver bullion is still strong. Traders are moving their money back into the precious metals, Gold and Silver. Compared to the end of last year silver bullion is relatively chea

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Gold to Silver Ratio remains below 50 - The Silver Log (01.27.2011)

The paper and physical pricing has already diverged in my opinion. If you search eBay's completed listings on Scottsdale Silver 1oz. bars you'll see they are STILL averaging 34-36 dollars an ounce. Demand is raising the price of silver, and you will continue to see it skyrocket in price as demand dwindles. Purchase directly from the dealer to get closest price to spot. Keep on stacking!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

SILVER EAGLES TO STOP PRODUCTION? Mike Maloney & David Morgan In Las Vegas

'At some point, the Silver Eagle will stop production' - David Morgan

'They're running into the physical limits of production right now' - Mike Maloney

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Physical Silver Driving Demand Over Silver ETFs. Buy Silver!

Physical silver bullion is driving the price of silver. The man on the street is buying more silver bullion than the traders who are buying silver ETFs. There is a false confidence in the stock market right now and thats where the traders are putting there money. Silver prices are down but will move back up when the traders panic over bad economic news and put their money back into precious metals.

A further economic collapse is still coming as politicians have no clue what to do but meddle with the markets and pump in more printed money. Dollar collapse, real estate collapse job market collapse. Countries on the brink of war and famine. Interesting times we are living in.

do not worry about day to day action and prices because the present system is manipulated so that says you can not believe what they say no way. I bought for one reason and I focus on just the one reason.DOLLAR IS CRASHING.
Once dollar crash then take a look at metal prices after those who did not buy to hedge against dollar is out then silver to the moon. Buy now to convert useless paper to something of value the balance is keep enough paper to pay bills rest goes to silver

Monday, January 24, 2011

JP Morgan have just moved their naked short positions to offshore accounts

Very good point about not being able to bring down JP Morgan by buying silver. As they have just moved their naked short positions to offshore accounts. Now they probably feel free to clobber the market however they want since the CFTC voted 4-1 against limiting their positions. Physical silver demand tells an entirely different story however. The pressure is on for two diverging market indexes. Physical vs bulls**t paper.

Industry declines wont hurt silver prices

Industry declines won't hurt silver prices and have not hurt them. The reason is that demand from investors as well as the increase in the variety of uses for silver will more than make up the difference. Silver is a tiny market and has been a safe haven for 5000 years. The fact that it's now in heavy industrial demand on increases it's value.

Robert Kiyosaki Says Buy Silver

Get precious silver coins  every month!

Gold and Silver is GODs money, its money made by GOD. I like that! Gold and Silver being the one true money! value is created by supply and demand. The FED and our GOVNT just keeps printing phony currency or dollars. Well if you keep printing pieces of paper with no real value, eventually the paper reaches its true value... ZERO. Gold and silver have been used as money for thousands of years. There is a limited supply of these two precious metals which makes them valuable Robert deserves his attitude hes a millionaire an not everyday was sunshine- he is brave enuf to open our eyes and let us taste riches like he has--he deserves a pat on the back

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ted Butler on Gold and Silver ETFs

This is from an interview with Ted Butler on Financial Sense Radio talking about the current silver demand and the potential for default of the gold and silver ETF's on the COMEX. This interview is dated 10-25-2008.Best to own physical silver and gold.I think the scam is coming to an end.  People are going into PM Buy more gold/silver and hang on.. We are going to need it They're not taking it to free mkt level. Because of the COMEX will go bust and there is no way in hell they can survive in 2011. By end of 20110 is my prediction that COMEX will go bust. THey had isues delivery last April and got gold in the nick of time from ECB who sold tons of gold

What happened to the physical world? Everything now is paper and certificates!! I have 100 tons of firewood here for sale, but I can only sell you paper certificates! Winter is going to be coming soon and it's a good idea to invest early. I also have 500 gallons of oil certificates too and I also sell pigs that fly certifcates as well.

Silver, an alternative safe haven to Gold

Investing in silver, as an alternative safe haven to gold :
In times of crisis, Silver becomes an alternative safe haven for your investments. Silver is often viewd as a cheap gold . silver quotations were back at the highest since March 2008. Touched $ 29.5 per ounce on the London Stock driven by race to 'purchase mostly coming from the field of numismatics, but also by investors and by the jewelers, and from the industrial sector which is recovering from the crisis. The white metal is used for electronics because of its good conductivity even if it is less workable than gold. After 16 years of declines (1990 to 2005) in 2010 the race is back to purchase silver , CPM Group, author of the annual Silver Yearbook, estimates the reserves of silver in the world at 213.9 million ounces , exceeding that of 2009 of 209.7 million.

Silver Bullion Shortage? 1 Ounce Rounds in Short Supply Locally!

Silver bullion rounds are increasingly harder to come buy locally. Perhaps the Max Keiser buy silver crash JP Morgan is kicking in. I also think silver is in demand because people are starting to catch on that the paper money is in trouble. They are looking to protect themselves in case of an economic collapse, a dollar collapse or other financial crisis. Junk silver coins can be had locally, but how high will silver have to go before people start selling back there one ounce silver rounds? I think the junk silver coins will start to gain in popularity as the silver bullion gets hoarded.Silver is also an important catalyst in chemical processing.As far as getting it out of the ground, that will take energy which seems to be only getting more expensive.

i personally don't think the general public will immediately identify junk silver coins. personally i think that the 999 "labelled" silver will be more practical in a SHTF situation or collapse. there is a lot of fractional 999 silver around that could be better for those scenarios... but ANY SILVER IS GOOD ! like the videos and subscribed

Eric Sprott : The Silver Decade

David Morgan Interviews Eric Sprott

Gold was the investment of the last decade Silver is the investment of the next decade

Eric Sprott is very well informed. The 3 men he listed, Ted Butler, Dave Morgan and Jason Hommel are among the smartest guys in the room when it comes to silver. The only guys you could add to that list would be James Turk, Adrian Douglas and Mike Maloney. Thanks so much for the vid!

Silver in EUROs - The Silver Log (01.23.2011)

 Silver in EUROs - The Silver Log (01.23.2011)

Ted Butler on unreported inventories that can come into the market

Ted Butler : Unless you have Superman’s x-ray vision and can see all the world’s vaults simultaneously, there is no way to know how much is left in unreported inventories.  And I guarantee that you will make yourself crazy if you persist in trying to figure out the amount remaining

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Silver & Gold War: Paper vs. Physical

The Silver War is on. Everywhere I look the powers that be are waging war against true money. Janet Napolitano recently mentioned on a radio show that TSA may limit metal carried on airplanes by passengers. Unbelievable! JP Morgan & HSBC continue to manipulate the prices of precious metals downward. Investors that understand the gravity of our economic situation are wholesale dumping paper for physical metals.

Comex raises silver margins AGAIN today...

Zero hedge just came out with an article that states,

"The CME has just raised its margin requirement on silver again, bringing maintenance margins up from $6,500 to $7,250, after hiking it less than a week ago for the first time and preventing silver from surpassing $30."

The question is "How low can we go" ? (Leave your guess in the comment section)

JPM and HSBC are trying to pummel silver price down to close their naked shorts for Dec.

Try all they want.

This time, the beach-ball is not staying down. It's a physical thing, not a price thing.

What we see is a war developing.

The Battle between Paper vs Physical

At Royal Metals Group we are see in hundreds of thousands of dollars pouring into preciaous metals daily through our regstered investment representatives

Many Physical buyers are viewing these gabs down in price as excellent buying opportunities. In fact a movement to buy physical is currently going viral on the internet

Crash JP Morgan is the Rallying cry for 1000s of phyiscal hoard buyers

The War is ON! Which side will you be on?

Physical vs Paper

In this video recorded on November 6, 2010, David Morgan of and James Turk discuss paper versus physical silver and backwardation.
This is going too far. Silver trading allows massive leverage and potential gains (and losses). I own physical gold and silver but trading them makes sense for people who know how. And yes, backwardation will arrive and will be an even greater trading opportunity for those who play it well.

David Morgan explains the silver market correction

David Morgan on the Financial Sense News hour 21 Jan 2011
It's just a matter of time before the silver price suppression by the federal reserve, JP Morgan Chase and HSBC comes to a screeching halt. When this does occur, anyone holding physical silver is going to be glad they have it. Silver is the new gold.

Platinum and palladium do not have better conductance than silver. Silver's the best, and the best reflector also. Also the best thermoconductor on the periodoc table.It is undervalued even today.However, gold is electro-plated on parts within the same devices he spoke of, including computers. Open one up, look at the gold contacts with your own eyes. It's hard to see how NASA would exists without gold either, once you are aware of all the high tech uses, such as shielding astronauts from radiation. Nevertheless, silver is priced as a "poor" sub when it should be trading as a precious metal for high tech, medicine, currency... All industrial electrical cables are copper that connect to even more copper, that feeds small wires made of....copper. Only small amounts are used for electronic applications, mostly solder. Which is a growing market due to the tech explosions in T.V, mp3, Ipad, and all that fun stuff.copper does not have the electrical conducting & reflective properties of silver. only very expensive metals like platinum & palladium has them. That said SILVER all the way!

Physical Silver Shortage is Developing!

Physical Silver Shortage is Developing!

One word of advice...Prepare. Have you been to the grocery store or the gas pump lately? Look at fruits and veggies. Producers are also combatting inflation by sneaking less product into the containers, aka shrinking the size of whats in the box, or changing the shape of the bottle so it holds less.The USD has been less than the CAD for a few weeks now. Look up US dollar exchange rates

Silver in Backwardation, Set to Explode says James Turk

James Turk has alerted King World News that silver is in backwardation. Turk spoke with KWN saying, “Silver is in backwardation which is an extremely important development. Most are aware that when backwardation occurs, the spot price is higher than the futures price. Backwardation happens regularly in most commodities, but it is rare in the precious metals.”
read full article from KWN >>>>,_Set_to_Explode.html

The silver market is volatile

The silver market is much more volatile than gold. Crash abrupt and sudden flare-ups in prices are the norm rather than the anomaly. The first question to ask is the price of silver is linked to that of gold in a narrow or even influenced by macroeconomic dynamics linked to the demand of the industrial sectors?
the silver market is very tight and volatile, and it seems to me that LSIL is leveraged two, right? I am very optimistic for the white metal in the medium term but I believe that 2011 will be a year of agony and correction after an exceptional 2009 and 2010.

waited patiently for the moment to increase the positions (I doubled to open in autumn 2005 and May 2010 bradipotrading ...) but I need to purge the excess optimism about this industry and it takes months and months, not enough a few weeks .

Also keep an eye on the price of metals against the euro because it is what you really want to end. one against the dollar is important to study support and resistance, but the accounts you make them in another currency.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Ted Butler on the COMEX silver

Ted Butler: COMEX silver is the only market which must have position limits radically reduced from the current accountability level. In all other commodities, including gold, the level of position limits is not so important because the short position is not that large.  In silver, it’s the core issue.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Robert Kiyosaki : $6000 SILVER ! BUY NOW!

Robert Kiyosaki : Gold has no value to it , unlike Silver which is an industrial precious metal it is used in cell phone cameras computers and most of the IT gadgets , today there is more gold on planet earth than there silver , Silver is a bargain today a year ago one ounce of gold could buy one ounce of silver today one ounce of gold could but 70 ounces of silver , it is fantastic....

Robert Kiyosaki : " Silver is a consumable precious metal. Unlike gold, which is hoarded, silver is used industrially. For years, before digital photography, it was used in film for cameras and movies. Today, silver is used extensively in electronics.
The reason this is a good fundamental reason to get into the metal today is because silver stockpiles are dwindling, so its price is driven by supply and demand...."

• Silver is consumed and gold is hoarded.

• Silver is a precious metal and is also an industrial metal that is used in electronics, medicine, water purification, and jewelry

• Today stockpiles of gold are increasing while stockpiles of silver are decreasing. (This means there's an abundance of gold and a shortage of silver).

• The gold/silver ratio is historically 14:1. This means that if gold were $14 an ounce then silver would $1 an ounce. Today, the ratio is approximately 50:1. Silver is extremely underpriced. If silver held to the historic 14:1 ratio, with gold at $1,400 an ounce then silver should be $100 an ounce -- not the $30 an ounce it is today.Today Gold to Silver Ratio is 48:1
As recently as last July the ratio was 70:1
Historically the ratio has averaged 16:1 As pointed out in the article, for these reasons some folk have been buying Silver (more accurately, silver derivative products).

I’d say the silver:gold paired trade was a much better wager last July than today.

Most folks are not aware that twice in the past 100 years the ratio has gone as high as 100:1, during times of extreme financial imbalance.

Furthermore, when one looks at the LONG term ratio charts, you can see that silver had traded at a much higher premium for several centuries in the Roman period and in the Middle Ages, at times breaking the 10:1 barrier.

As with any other financial play, it all comes down to time horizon.

CFTC and CME prove once again why you should be buying silver

hold your silver . Buy if you possibly can..
Don't drink the cool aid coz happy days for silver holders are getting closer , Gold dropped $25, Apmex dropped their price by $10, and the silver drop hasn't been reflected in their prices.

I just checked out Ebay, 1oz SilverTowne bar sold for $37 + $1.75 shipping.JPMorgan and the Fed don't intimidate me at all. Margin requirements don't affect me at all since I own no financial paper. Physical gold and silver only. The longer they manipulate, the more time I have to buy physical cheap. Bring it on JP!This second margin requirement increase so soon after the last one smells of desperation by the bankers. As the paper and physical prices diverge the paper loses credibility and they start to look not just desperate, but silly as well. Desperate and silly is hardly the image that the masters of the universe want to cultivate.The CFTC is a disgrace. Ol' Bart Chilton assured me today that "it aint' over" and he's still trying. I hope he's right. Either way it's going to end badly for the paper holders.

How much physical you hold is all that matters
The CFTC is a digrace. Ol' Bart Chilton assured me today that "it aint' over" and he's still trying. I hope he's right. Either way it's going to end badly for the paper holders.

How much physical you hold is all that matters

Silver is the metal of The next Decade says Eric Sprott


the shortage is going to drive up the price. Silver makes such a great gift and people look at you and say Is this real silver? History will be made this week one way or another, but can the current course of the United States of America really be changed at all? Get your paper money OUT pf the bank and OUT of the stock market. Get anything you can that has REAL value. Metals, food, protection, anything to barter ... anything with REAL value ... not worthless paper. Look up the history of Argentina.

the shortage is going to drive up the price. Silver makes such a great gift and people look at you and say Is this real silver? I say yea its the purest around and don't sell it till I tell you. That will be worth 500 dollars soon. Then they become silver invest er/gaters too.It always makes me happy to read about folks who doing well and ignoring all the nonsense "FED" to us by the government and media puppets. We are both silver investors beginning this year.

It's exciting to think about the potential of a truly free market silver! As we chat a "RICO" case is pending. The damn is going to burst at some point, imho. Thanks to those who shared the truth!!!!!

They tell us higher interest rates is strong for the fiat dollars - The Silver Log (01.20.2011)

This looks like a good time to hit the coin shop!n.I looked at at today and they were buying 2011 silver eagles for $29.22. eBay has 2011 silver eagles with bids for over $40 and some at the $45 level.
I think the physical is already divorcing itself from the paper.
Bought another roll of silver eagles when it hit $27.44.

World Silver Supply Approaching Zero!

Silver Is the absolute best investment for the 21st century! The opportunity we have today is a once in a hundred year phenomenon.Silver is the rarest metal on the planet, it will go to the moon, then it will go to the sun, then it will leave the solar system.

there were 12 billion ozs. of Ag in 1900 and there is only 1 billion now where did the rest go? It can't just disappear. Don't get me wrong I am bullish on silver but I think this is a legitimate question.its in mobiles, computers, appliances, batteries, medial, photography... ETC - its used in about 10,000 unqiue applications.In Mike Maloney's book "Guide to Investing in Gold and Silver" he cites the USGS that says that there are 25 years supply of silver in the ground and 30 years supply of gold.some people are saying silver could get to 50,000 an ounce ,Silver price manipulation is evident in the gold to silver price ratio which should average between 10 and 20. That is, for every ounce of gold, you should be able to buy 10 to 20 ounces of silver.

You can, at the time of recording, buy 78 times the amount of silver than gold for the same money - and yet there is a major silver shortage!

The lenders of Silver are depleting their reserves faster than it is being mined and with the recent downturn - even less mining will occur and even less silver production will eventuate as its price gets close (at some stages below) the cost of production.
silver might very well go near 1:1 ratio, but alot of people will learn to salvage from broken products such as cell phones and pc towers to salvage silver/gold scrap. still, drop the fucking worthless paper., unless your out of toilet paper, 100 dollar bills will work fine for that when shit hits the fan.In 1964, JFK started printing U.S. notes backed by our 4 billion ounces of silver. He was killed a couple months later. LBJ stopped the printing 11 days later. The PTB sold off the silver to make sure that no one else got any bright ideas. It took a while to sell 4 B ounces. It ran out Nov of 2005. I bought 2 weeks later. It's been on a tear ever since then. No big surprise. On of the new, big uses of silver is for anti-bacterial clothing. A LOT of silver is used in electrical contacts.
Silver reserves approaching ZERO. Price explosion must follow!
Silver Shortage
GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!