Silver, above ground, is more rare than gold! There is seven times as much gold above ground as compared to silver!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

👉Post COVID Monetary Reset- Get Ready for Digital Dollar, Digital ID,Digital Yuan !!

👉Post COVID Monetary Reset- Get Ready for Digital Dollar, Digital ID,Digital Yuan !!

Things will never be the same again. This pandemic is being used to cover up something far more sinister. They are bringing in the new monetary order. The reset will involve a digital world currency. That's the plan; Digital currency, because cash is getting too dangerous. In reality, they will be robbing you of all your freedoms and privacy. Last month, Bill Gates went viral in several controversial interviews advocating mandatory digital ID as proof of coronavirus vaccination as soon as a vaccine is available. Gates has also funded research to create digital personal ID vaccination tattoos to make proof of vaccination visually and electronically apparent. He has also long advocated a cashless society using digital ID. The cattle must be branded to ensure the wealth of the elites isn't contaminated by personal liberty. This digital immunity certificate sounds awfully similar to the New World Order scheme to chip the population. In China , they've been working on their central bank digital currency and we're starting to see the first rollout now of the gold backed digital Yuan. This is a global reset in the financial system. Unlike The Dollar ; The digital Yuan will be effectively backed up by the massive amount of Made in China goods and services – and not by a transoceanic Empire of 800 Bases. And the value of the digital Yuan will be decided by the market – as it happens with bitcoin. The digital yuan, using blockchain technology, will automatically float – thus bypassing the U.S.-controlled global financialized casino. China is on it, but the US, UK, Russia ,and India are also on their way to launch their own crypto-currencies. The U.S. dollar is backed by millions of taxpayers and debt slaves worldwide who need it to keep people with guns from harassing them. Bitcoin is backed by scarcity and mining cost, a cost which is usually increasing. Mining cost is energy, so it is backed by energy expenditure. I suspect digital wallet/currency controlled by the very people that control it now. At that point, if your social media score is too low, they turn off your money, and you get to starve. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Shut downs gave the Fed Banking System time to flood and destroy the US Dollar and thus destroying our debt to China with infinity worthless US Dollars. Degrade a currency sufficiently, via hyperinflation and collapse of the banking system, and people will eventually look for alternatives. But that’s generally the sort of thing that has to happen. Almost always, these currency substitutions occur only once the existing currency has become deeply compromised. Even then, the thing people naturally reach for is an existing, trusted currency – often the US dollar – rather than some entirely new unit of account. When currency substitution has occurred naturally, it’s almost always done so only after the incumbent currency has been debauched by hyperinflation. They want two things. Privatize currency and suppress cash; For more control. That is what they crave - control. Money in and by itself is not what interests them. They have enough of it and only see it as a tool to control the masses. The same goes for governments which is why all systems are set up to entrap people using debt. Freedom (both personal and economic) is the enemy of this agenda so any politician who talks about freedom for people is lying. Most of them stay clear of that and instead use relative terms like equality, fairness etc. Knowing full well how people can be equally enslaved. governments exist on the fact they can use inflation to borrow and spend more than they actually have. Politicians will never give up the ability to kick the can down the road. It just not politically expedient to be tied to reality. The reason that the economy is so sick is not the coronavirus. It is because of everything the government did before the coronavirus. The economy was sick long before the virus infected it ,and the air was already coming out of the bubble because the fed tried to do something that was impossible . Which was normalized interest rates with an abnormal amount of debt. They got everybody hooked on the drug of cheap money. And then tried to withdraw the drug from the market . And then obviously we went into withdrawal at the end of 2018. That's when the Fed came back and said, okay , we're going back to QE, we're going back to rate cuts. But then we got the coronavirus which acted as the pin that pricked this massive bubble. The reason that the economy is so vulnerable is because we're broke and leveraged to the hilt. Corporations are levered to the max. They've been borrowing all this cheap money from the Fed; they've been using it to buy up their overpriced stocks. So they didn't have any savings. Now the government is having to bail out the states and corporations with money we do not have. It's the people that support the government, not the other way around. But we're pretending that the government can support the people and the businesses by using a printing press. That all we have to do is print money. We're about to find out the hard way that the most expensive way to pay for government is through inflation. There’s no sign that the extraordinary monetary policy that is undermining the dollar will end ever. In fact, the markets are starting to bet on negative interest rates by the end of the year. Negative rates will rob the middle-class BLIND only to transfer wealth to the rich, and the Wall Street banks. The banking system does not create wealth. It steals wealth through deception. President Donald Trump on Tuesday again pushed the Federal Reserve to adopt negative interest rates, even as several members of the U.S. central bank have said they do not see a need for rates , now near zero, to move into negative territory. If we’re just going to shelter in place, and we’re going to dole out money, and we’re just going to run up trillions and trillions and trillions in annual budget deficits, how much longer is the dollar going to hold up? How much longer can the dollar stay afloat when we’re basically sinking it? We’re basically daring the world to dump the dollar. What is the Fed's endgame here? They must know that the source of their power is the value still left in the dollar. I don't believe they're unaware of the fact that they're rapidly running out of road here. I'd love a game theory kind of breakdown of the Fed's options . Personally, I think the thing that makes the most sense(from their perspective) would be to get congress to eliminate cash and, once everyone is forced into digital dollars, institute negative rates. They could do this under the cover of a national UBI rollout to get the public to swallow this change without too much resistance. The End game is hyperinflate, the transition to e-currency. The Fed has enough dry powder to backstop everything and blow one more crazy big bubble. When we all get universal basic incomes, that's the beginning of the end. When the bubble pops, it's going to be the worst recession since the great depression. We're going to have trillion dollar deficits . We're going to have 20 percent unemployment. This is going to end in complete catastrophe for the dollar. We can't kick this can down the road anymore.This thing is going to implode ;and it's going to implode soon. The party is going to end. The dollar is going to crash. And we're going to see the cost of living go through the roof. Now, we're at the end game .We're at the real crash.This time we're going to get a dollar collapse . We're going to get a sovereign debt crisis. The party is going to end. All the the amount of inflation which is the money printing that the Fed is creating now which is unprecedented in scale,is off the charts. The deficits are exploding in a way never seen before. All this is going to end in complete catastrophe for the dollar. Everybody can get a check from the government; but what happens when that check doesn't buy anything. That's the crisis that's coming. The stimulus doesn't work. It is actually a sedative. The Markets would correct themselves if left alone with no bailouts. The cost of government is what it spends. Government spending is actually taxation. Every dollar the government spends is a dollar that we have to fund . The government causes the recessions with the policies that it uses to get us out of the last recession. And instead of allowing the free market to cure the economy; government intervention makes it sicker. The Government is too big, debt has been too high for decades and money is basically worthless. I personally don't think any government has the courage to do what needs to be done so we can truly have a strong and stable economy. The U.S Government in cooperation with the Federal Reserve , is running the largest Ponzi Scam in the History of Civilization ! the Government has been spinning blue verses red while heisting the American economy . The one percent richest crippled the economy by this global pandemic agenda to lockdown everyone, heist millions, and invest it all into the stocks and electronic money . The present and future is a direct consequence of bad government decisions. We are in danger of total social disintegration and societal collapse from the scum that rises to the top of this cesspool of a swamp. This pandemic is being used to defer blame from a financial crisis which enables the wealthy to stay wealthy and in power while they hyperinflate to minimize the debts of the people. The working class is working for free because of the elected lying thieves. Remember, when the debtor owes the creditor so much, it’s the creditors' problem as they only care about losing the nut. Politicians are actually the pandemic we have to get rid of. George Orwell once said : "A people that elect corrupt politicians, imposters, thieves ,and traitors are not victims... but accomplices". Businesses aren't going to come back . Jobs are not coming back. We're in the greatest depression. They closed down our economy, with no exit strategy. Shutting down our economy because of a "virus" was like us committing suicide to save ourselves from the burglar who just broke into the house. The goal is to crash economies and currencies so the banksters could bring about a monetary reset with a new system designed to replace the debt based fiat monetary system the world has been on since 1971 with a new cashless digital only system. Very few are willing to go through the market pains that will be required to fix this failing ship. No one wants to be held responsible for the poor decisions they financially made. Why would they agree to be accountable when they see the government being so irresponsible? The country is in complete financial dismay. The US has been setting the example for its citizens by living beyond its means ,by using its ‘global credit card’ to make purchases it can’t afford thinking it will pay as it goes. However, there will come a time when the US will hit its maximum credit limit and will have to pay the consequences of living beyond its means. This is decades in the making and it will not be resolved over 1 or 2 four year term(s). There needs to be a 15-20 year plan to set the economic cycle correct with the proper parameters. The government is enabling laziness by cuddling the needy rather than teaching the needy to be self reliant. People will transform themselves into the environment they are living in. It is survival. If there are no handouts, people will need to find a way to survive otherwise they seize to exist. In a way, it is Darwinism. Of course there will always be those looking for the easy way by cheating or stealing but that will also need to be addressed. Today’s politicians are too short minded and public pleasing. And the public is too dependent and lazy to want to make any real sacrifices to encourage any change. They feel they are “entitled” to be provided for by the government. Hopefully, after the aftermath of financial destruction, we will form a new political party that can produce a legacy of leadership of single purpose for the livelihood of the country. Enabling people to work hard and progress their lives rather than wait for the 3rd Friday of each month for their government check to come that barely gets them by, but still free is better than working for it (in their minds). The Banksters as lenders buyers of last resort, eventually OWNERS of it all , as is their destiny since creature was born on Jekyll Island 1913. Debt creation INCREASES their power, they are loving every minute of the present pandemic. We know there will be a massive devaluation of currencies against gold , and that is going to mean higher prices for everything and food shortages. The question is at what point does this tip over into civil unrest and disorder. How different will life be after the reset? The reset usually means that working people end up poorer. It looks like the last 40 years of unprecedented personal debt is coming to an end which is rather like an alcoholic, suddenly ending his relationship with drink. Does this mean for the average person the priority will be food, electricity, gas ,and internet and Eckhart Tolle videos and everything else is a luxury? In case you are still confused about the virus, this is the globalist's attempt to WORLD domination. What you see now is the federal reserve buying (stealing ) equities with toilet paper dollar. It is NATIONALIZING the WORLD economy under the world government. The only vaccine I see is reinstating the coinage act of 1792, which provided the death penalty for counterfeiting. God bless the Founding Fathers. Don't squander the inheritance and keep your powder dry. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Sunday, October 27, 2019

This is Why SILVER will become the Post Collapse Currency -- Economic Collapse -- Stock Market Crash

With everyone focused on gold as an investment vehicle, many have ignored a metal that is 20 times rarer. Most investors assume that because silver is almost 50 times cheaper than gold, it's more abundant. They are dead wrong. The world has been drawing down its above-ground supply of silver for decades, diminishing the only source of what is available for investment. Only now have we begun to collectively recognize silver as a solid investment. While gold is rarer below the surface, silver is more rare and undervalued above ground. Silver has been operating at a supply deficit for many years, and I think it's only a matter of time before spot price reconciles with the true value of this beautiful bullion. Welcome to The Atlantis Report. Silver is 17.5 times more abundant in the Earth's crust than gold. But the amount of above-ground gold available far exceeds that of silver. To date, over 1.5 million tonnes of silver have been mined. The industry has consumed 90% of mined silver, leaving a huge opportunity for a commodity shortage in the years to come. Mining for silver specifically has dramatically declined. In 2017, the majority of silver was mined as a byproduct of other metals, like copper and lead. For every 12.5 tonnes of Earth, there is 1 gram of silver. This ratio, combined with the extraordinary low spot price of silver, makes mining the precious metal less profitable and less appealing than many other metals. This mining shortage has the potential to create an enormous industry shortage of silver. In 1950, there were 10 billion ounces of available silver above ground. By 1980, that number shrank to 3.5 billion. And today, no significant government stockpiles of silver exist anywhere in the world. The exact opposite is true of gold. The world currently produces about 700 million ounces of silver per year. Where does it all go? Believe it or not, most of it winds up as garbage. We literally throw billions of dollars' worth of silver in trash bins every year. Silver is required in the production of thousands of products: CDs, cell phone batteries, calculators, printed circuit boards, hearing aids, electronic switches, TV screens, catalytic converters, inks, computer monitors, RFID chips, etc. Once any of these items have served its purpose, it generally gets tossed. And it's simply more expensive to recycle the silver from these products than it is to dig more out of the ground. I expect that the world's dumps will be a precious source of resources like silver in the future. The difference between the metals is that gold is produced, but it's not consumed. While gold is a highly-desired item, it's not an industrial commodity. In other words, gold is desired, but silver is needed. All of the gold that has ever been mined is basically still around. Studies suggest 98% of all gold mined throughout history is still available in the form of coins, bars, artifacts, and jewelry. But silver is different. From 1990 to 2000 alone, over two billion ounces of silver disappeared from the market to consumers. Despite the lack of global stockpiles, new technology will continue to discover more industrial applications for silver, putting a further strain on world supplies. Consider the new photovoltaic industry as an example. In China, the production of photovoltaic solar panels has doubled every single year since 2003. The demand for silver from the global photovoltaic industry has soared in the past few years, and global demand is expected to reach 150 million ounces in the coming year, just to satisfy the photovoltaic industry. But to widen the supply deficit, even more, the Silver Institute forecasts industrial uses of silver will rise sharply over the next five years. The organization estimates that by 2015, the demand for silver from industry will increase 36%. At the highest level, silver is used in industry, in jewelry, and as an investment (and/or wealth preservation). Together, these three categories represent more than 95 % of annual silver demand. So then, why is the spot price of silver so low? Why is there a 68:1 gold to silver ratio when it seems gold is more easily mined and doesn't face the same consumption habits as silver? I share the theories of many others who believe in silver spot price is controlled by a combination of a few factors; I believe price manipulation is alive and well. Several large banks are currently under fire for their roles in verified price rigging. I believe more banks will be prosecuted in the near future, as well. In addition to banks, the industry has a huge interest in keeping silver prices low. By undervaluing the metal, their supply costs remain low and profit high. Silver has been used as a medium of exchange dating back to the earliest of records. It has always been considered to be a form of 'money.' Even up until the late 19th century, most nations were on a silver standard as to their 'money,' with silver coins making up the main circulating currency. Even though today's silver coins are not used as national currency and have been replaced by other than silver coins and Fiat' paper', silver is still collected, stacked, and invested by many people. Why? As a hedge against today's rickety financial systems, modern currency, and evaluation thereof. People who know the history of currencies know that EVERY 'paper' currency ever created has ALWAYS collapsed. And most critical-thinking people today know that our current system and foundation are no longer on solid ground. Here's a challenge: After you have purchased your first 1-ounce silver coin such as the Royal Canadian Mint' Silver Maple Leaf', hold that coin in one hand and a $20 bill in the other . While they both are of a similar worth based on today's approximate silver price (almost $17 at this moment in time), which one feels more like 'real money' to you? The silver coin sure feels more like real money to me. So for the financially preparedness minded, it makes logical sense to preserve some of one's wealth in a form that has been accepted for thousands of years that is silver. While a reflexive 'knee-jerk' reaction from some people might be to say something like "You can't eat silver, so what good is it during a time of socioeconomic collapse?", the fact is that there are innumerable hypothetical collapse scenarios – many or most of which are not all-out Armageddon. Silver is simply one way to preserve one's wealth, regardless of how much or how little. So what would become of silver in a Post Collapse scenario. Let's say that the dollar is being inflated away (it actually is as we speak), and enters a period of hyperinflation (which it likely will one day). When that happens, it's purchasing power will diminish greatly. While 'the system' holds together during pre-collapse, precious metals such as silver will become highly-priced within the inflated currency – thus holding it's valued and very likely increasing its investment value as others pour into the commodity to save their own wealth. In this scenario, silver will have been an extraordinary investment. Let's say that today's current paper currency has one day become essentially worthless (post-collapse), and regional bartering has become the new normal during 'the collapse.' While goods and services are a means of exchange, there's little doubt that silver too will be a medium of exchange as payment and trade. Take an example : The Pre 1965 Coins. A 1-ounce silver coin may become a very high value – requiring the use of smaller denominations of silver for commerce & trade. This will likely include the use of the pre 1965 coins (example the quarter, dimes) that are 90% silver. Most coins minted in the United States before 1965 were 90% silver and 10% copper. These coins contain 0.7234 ounces of silver per dollar face value. another example is the 90% Silver Roosevelt Dimes. You might consider acquiring some amount of physical silver be it bullion or junk silver . Not only for financial insurance but for diversification and peace-of-mind. You might consider diversifying and convert some of your fiat paper currency into physical silver as insurance against the current system. There are crucial factors why silver will increase more in value than gold during the next financial meltdown. These factors are not well known by many precious metals analysts because they focus on antiquated information and knowledge. While several individuals in the precious metals community forecast a much higher Gold-Silver ratio during the next financial crash, I see quite the opposite taking place. The white metal should be uncoupled from gold and should be seen as a strategic metal due to its necessity in many everyday appliances, from computers to electronics to solar panels. The silver production has gone down in recent years, meaning that contrary to popular belief, the metal is actually a rare commodity. We are consuming, as a human race, over 1 billion ounces of silver annually, and miners are only producing about 800 million ounces a year, and that's been dropping for three consecutive years. As US currency continues to be less strong than in previous years, both gold and silver have begun some steady inclines, with the white metal gaining — and maintaining — a trading price that is over US$17 per ounce. At some stage, silver will wake up and play catch up. That's a move worth owning. We could easily see US$20 per ounce silver, which is a roughly 18 percent move. And that can happen quickly. Finally, although supply and demand play a smaller role in what moves the white metal, they are still factors that have an effect on the resource. Interestingly, the latest World Silver Survey, published by the Silver Institute and Thomson Reuters' GFMS team, indicates that in 2018, the silver market experienced a 3 percent decrease in supply to 1,004.3 million ounces due to reduced mined and scrap output. That led to a physical market deficit of 29.2 million ounces. Of the 1,033.5 million ounces of silver that were consumed last year, a large portion was through the purchase of silver bullion coins, silver bars, and jewelry. The demand for bullion coins and bars climbed an impressive 20 percent, with the rise being driven by silver bar demand, which rocketed 53 percent. India was the main silver bar consumer, with demand soaring 115 percent higher than in 2017. Meanwhile, silver jewelry demand rose 4 percent from 2017 to 212.5 million ounces. Once again, India was the largest consumer with a 16 percent increase in jewelry demand, setting a new record level. The industry will continue to use and need silver in ever-increasing amounts, and with this current economic situation and the printing of money out of thin air, silver only has one way to go – and that is up. Silver is considerably undervalued, and this places the commodity in a position to be prone to explosive gains once it's true value becomes more apparent. Silver is truly a Hold and Wait investment.

The Financial Armageddon Economic Collapse Blog tracks trends and forecasts , futurists , visionaries , free investigative journalists , researchers , Whistelblowers , truthers and many more

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Warning : Silver is Ready to Launch says Todd Horwitz

Silver's bullish price action is yet to come, with a target of near $20 coming soon, this according to Todd Horwitz of "To me, we're going to test that $19.65 high of December futures, and go higher. I think silver is just waiting to launch and I think it's going to come sooner than we think," Horwitz told Kitco News

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Silver is the Money of The Kings -- The Whole financial system is collapsing in October

The Coming Silver Standard of Kings

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Silver faces this big misconception and why triple digits makes sense Keith Neumeyer

Silver faces serious supply constraints, and although most people may not realize, it is a very rare metal that should be trading in the triple digits in price, this according to Keith Neumeyer, CEO of First Majestic Silver. “We’re mining eight to one, so for every one ounce of gold that’s being mined worldwide, we’re only mining eight ounces of silver. Silver is extremely rare and people don’t get it,” Neumeyer told Kitco News on the sidelines of the Denver Gold Forum. “People think silver is in abundance, but it’s not.”

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet

Sunday, September 1, 2019


Fantastic interview with David Morgan, THE expert on Precious Metals! SILVER is definitely about to soar and I am all in! Michelle, this is an excellent interview! Great questions and nice flow, packed with information with one of the best gurus of gurus.

MAKE SURE YOU GET PHYSICAL SILVER IN YOUR OWN POSSESSION. Don't Buy SLV, or Futures or Pooled Accounts or any other BS paper silver product .Remember anything on paper is worth the paper it is written on. Go Long Stay long the bull market have even started yet
Silver Shortage
GOLD is the money of the KINGS, SILVER is the money of the GENTLEMEN, BARTER is the money of the PEASANTS, but DEBT is the money of the SLAVES!!!